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波粒相互作用是环电流损失的重要机制之一,但波粒相互作用导致的环电流离子沉降而损失迄今为止缺乏直接的观测证据.基于磁层及电离层卫星的协同观测,本文报道了发生在2015年9月7日,由电磁离子回旋波(EMIC波)导致环电流质子沉降的共轭观测事件.在等离子体层的内边界,Van Allen Probe B卫星观测到,存在EMIC波的区域和不存在EMIC波的区域相比,离子通量的投掷角分布的各向异性变弱.我们将Van Allen Probe B卫星沿着磁力线投影到电离层高度,同时在该投影区域内DMSP 16卫星在亚极光区域观测到环电流质子沉降.而且,通过从理论上计算质子弹跳平均扩散系数,我们进一步证实观测的EMIC波确实能将环电流质子散射到损失锥中.本文的研究工作为EMIC波导致环电流质子沉降提供了直接的观测证据,揭示了环电流衰减的重要物理机制:EMIC波将环电流质子散射到损失锥中,从而沉降到低高度大气层中而损失.  相似文献   
Rock brittleness directly affects reservoir fracturing and its evaluation is essential for establishing fracturing conditions prior to reservoir reforming. Dynamic and static brittleness data were collected from siltstones of the Qingshankou Formation in Songliao Basin. The brittle–plastic transition was investigated based on the stress–strain relation. The results suggest that the brittleness indices calculated by static elastic parameters are negatively correlated with the stress drop coefficient and the brittleness index B2, defined as the average of the normalized Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, is strongly correlated with the stress drop. The brittleness index B2, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio correlate with the brittle minerals content; that is, quartz, carbonates, and pyrite. We also investigated the correlation between pore fluid and porosity and dynamic brittle characteristic based on index B2. Pore fluid increases the plasticity of rock and reduces brittleness; moreover, with increasing porosity, rock brittleness decreases. The gas-saturated siltstone brittleness index is higher than that in oil- or water-saturated siltstone; the difference in the brittleness indices of oil- and water-saturated siltstone is very small. By comparing the rock mechanics and ultrasonic experiments, we find that the brittleness index obtained from the rock mechanics experiments is smaller than that obtained from the ultrasonic experiments; nevertheless, both decrease with increasing porosity as well as their differences. Ultrasonic waves propagate through the rock specimens without affecting them, whereas rock mechanics experiments are destructive and induce microcracking and porosity increases; consequently, the brittleness of low-porosity rocks is affected by the formation of internal microcrack systems.  相似文献   
The uv-faceting imaging is one of the widely used large field of view imaging technologies, and will be adopted for the data processing of the low-frequency array in the first stage of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA1). Due to the scale of the raw data of SKA1 is unprecedentedly large, the efficiency of data processing directly using the original uv-faceting imaging will be very low. Therefore, a uv-faceting imaging algorithm based on the MPI (Message Passing Interface)+OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) and a uv-faceting imaging algorithm based on the MPI+CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) are proposed. The most time-consuming data reading and gridding in the algorithm are optimized in parallel. The verification results show that the results of the proposed two algorithms are basically consistent with that obtained by the current mainstream data processing software CASA (Common Astronomy Software Applications), which indicates that the proposed two algorithms are basically correct. Further analysis of the accuracy and total running time shows that the MPI+CUDA method is better than the MPI+OpenMP method in both the correctness rate and running speed. The performance test results show that the proposed algorithms are effective and have certain extensibility.  相似文献   
随着海南省进一步开放发展,海岸带区域的土地利用强度逐渐加强,生态保护需求日益增强。利用4期(1990、2000、2009、2015年)海岸带土地利用分类数据,研究海岸带土地开发利用强度,并分析了其生态承载力。结果表明:①耕地和林地是海南岛海岸带地区的主要土地类型。②25年间,海南岛海岸带土地利用强度整体较高且逐年上升,2000—2009年土地利用强度增速最高,达2.03%;海口市和澄迈县土地利用强度4期均值最大,分别为300.5和286.1。③25年来海南岛海岸带生态状况呈下降趋势,57%的海岸带市县实际生态承载压力增长了1倍以上。  相似文献   
Conductor casing jetting technique has been increasingly applied in deepwater drilling. The insight into the jetting excavation mechanisms is critical in guiding a successful conductor casing jetting operation. The real- time continuous jet excavation process is simulated with the volume of fluid (VOF) multiphase method of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) ANSYS Fluent calculation software in the current study. The cohesive soil is modelled by using a kind of viscous fluid with Herschel-Bulkley model. In addition, a laboratory half round nozzle jet excavation test is designed for verification by comparison of the observed jet excavation profile with the numerical results. The sensitivity parameters affecting the conductor jetting excavation mechanism in cohesive soil are thus investigated. It is found that the application of Herschel-Bulkley (HB) model for cohesive soil and the VOF method of Fluent can provide a good simulation of jet excavation process. The maximum excavation depth can be determined by the undrained ultimate bearing capacity of the circular foundation with a bearing capacity factor of 6.7. The nozzle position, jet velocity and soil strength have significantly influence on the depth and width of the jet excavation profile in conductor oblique jet.  相似文献   
Active hydrogen maser is the main frequency standard for establishing and maintaining the time scale. It has the characteristics of high short-term stability and low phase noise. At present, it plays an increasingly important role in the international atomic time (TAI) and various local time scales. Firstly, in combination with the internal state parameters of an active hydrogen maser, the correlation between the internal state parameters and the comparison data of a hydrogen maser is analyzed, and a method for the performance monitoring of a hydrogen maser is proposed. Secondly, according to the characteristics of hydrogen maser performance, a method for evaluating the performance of a hydrogen maser is given. The hydrogen maser performance includes mainly two aspects, namely the frequency stability and predictability. The performances of two types of active hydrogen masers (CH1-75 and MHM-2010) are evaluated by this method. The correlation analysis of the atomic clock state parameters and comparison data shows that the state parameter monitoring can effectively predict the variation of the hydrogen maser performance. The evaluation results of atomic clock frequency stability and predictability show that the atomic clock with a higher medium-and-long term frequency stability has a better predictability. There are two methods for the predictability evaluation, one is based on the data published by BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Measures), and another one is based on the quadratic model. Both methods are consistent with the weights published by BIPM. Therefore, the two methods can be used as a quantitative method to evaluate the predictability of a hydrogen maser.  相似文献   
随着广电行业的飞速发展,以串行数字接口(SDI)基带信号为基础技术架构的传统电视信号已经很难满足未来技术发展和业务扩展的需求.得益于现代通信技术的迅速发展以及即将到来的万物互联的5G时代,广电行业也将采用IP化技术来构建新的网络系统.处在向IP化发展的过渡期,广电IP化目前还存在一些亟待解决的问题.为了解决广电系统网络中需要更高精度的同步信号来完成时间同步的问题,本文利用精确时间协议(PTP)时间同步技术在专用以太网中完成时间同步组网,搭建了测试环境并对测试数据进行了分析.测试结果表明,相较于传统的网络时间协议(NTP)时间同步技术,输出PTP信号的准确度能够达到亚微秒量级,完全满足广电行业IP化数字电视系统时间同步信号的高精度需求.   相似文献   
在野外利用智能终端设备采集数据可以保证获取资料的便利性与准确性。针对林业数据的数量庞大、科目多样、分布区域广泛等特点,本系统基于现有的Android平台结合百度地图API及定位SDK组件调用进行二次开发,实现地图接入、位置定位、路线搜索等服务,通过相关命令调用终端拍照等应用在数据库中实现数据采集、属性记录及导出功能,系统主要包括登录模块、采集模块、数据管理模块等。本文设计的Android终端GIS采集数据系统可以满足外业人员对林业数据的核查、修改与采集需求,为野外核查工作提供了新的模式和方法。  相似文献   
高压喷射注浆于1968年首创于日本。我国于20世纪70年代初相继引进并开始研究高压喷射注浆技术。目前,高压旋喷工艺应用最为广泛,工艺技术最为成熟。对旋喷桩成桩质量及单桩承载力进行研究分析,为旋喷桩在地基与基础工程、水利水电工程、止水、加固工程中的应用提供设计参考依据。该试验在陕西省延安市某建成小区内选三个试验点,按不同旋喷桩施工工艺成桩,通过对桩身完整性检测、单桩承载力试验,分析旋喷桩成桩质量及单桩承载力。  相似文献   
AST3-2 (the second Antarctic Survey Telescope) is located in Antarctic Dome A, the loftiest ice dome on the Antarctic Plateau. It produces a huge amount of observational data which require a more efficient data reduction program to be developed. Also the data transmission in Antarctica is much difficult, thus it is necessary to perform data reduction and detect variable and transient sources remotely and automatically in Antarctica, but this attempt is restricted by the unsatisfactory performance of the low power consumption computer in Antarctica. For realizing this purpose, to develop a new method based on the existing image subtraction method and random forest algorithm, taking the AST3-2 2016 dataset as the test sample, becomes an alternative choice. This method performs image subtraction on the dataset, then applies the principle component analysis to extract the features of residual images. Random forest is used as a machine learning classifier, and in the test a recall rate of 97% is resulted for the positive sample. Our work has verified the feasibility and accuracy of this method, and finally found out a batch of candidates for variable stars in the AST3-2 2016 dataset.  相似文献   
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